Milford Hills Baptist Church

1238 East Colonial Drive, Salisbury, NC 28144
Explore the various ministries at Milford Hills Baptist Church that cater to the diverse needs of our congregation. From the Women's Group to the Men's Group, Youth Group, and Recovery Group, there is a place for everyone to connect, grow, and serve.
Please join us as we talk Biblical truths based on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Exploring God's Word together allows men to learn from one another, be challenged, & encourage each other to live for something larger than themselves. Meetings are held the first Saturday of each month at 8:30am. Breakfast is provided followed by Bible study.
Please join us as we unite in fellowship to study the Word of God, develop a deeper understanding of our relationship with Jesus Christ, & grow together as women of faith. Meetings are held the third Saturday of each month at 9am.
We have multiple youth groups that meet on Wednesday evenings & Sunday mornings, Kids: PreK - 3rd grade, Youth: 4th - 6th grade, & Teens: 7th - 12th grade. Please join us for Biblical teaching as we reach this generation for Christ.
We all have struggles in life, struggles with addictions, food, depression, anxiety, and relationships just to name a few. Join us on Thursday evenings at 6pm as we find hope through Life Recovery. Our hope is in Jesus Christ.